We are very pleased to announce the winners of this year’s Smithcors Student Veterinary History Essay Contest. They are:
First Prize
Jessica Zeiger ’18, Purdue University, “Perceptions of Conception: The History of Artificial Insemination”
Second Prize
Marta Zlotnick ’19, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, “The Child’s Vet: Veterinarians in Children’s Media in 20th Century America”
Third Prize
Ashley Russo ’19, Kansas State University, “Who Let the Dogs Out of Orbit?: A Brief History of the First Dog in Space”
Fourth Prize
Janna Draper ’19, Purdue University, “History of Ebola and the Role of Veterinarians”
Honorable Mention
Adam Mattick ’21, Kansas State University, “The Final Charge—The History of Horses in World War II”
In addition to prize money for the winners at $1,200, $1,000, $750 and $500, all veterinary students who submitted essays for blind judging will receive print copies of THE MERCK VETERINARY MANUAL, 11th edition (2016), courtesy of The Merck Publishing Group, Merck & Co., Inc.
Winning essays will be published in forthcoming issues of Veterinary Heritage. Congratulations to all!