American Veterinary Medical History Society
Since its founding in 1978, AVMHS has traditionally held its yearly speaker presentation program and business meeting in association with the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) annual conventions in various cities across the United States and Canada. The Society also displays an educational exhibit in the convention hall. A series of postcards featuring a representative historical illustration associated with the state or meeting location was initiated in 2015.
48th Annual Meeting
July __, 2025
Virtual Videoconference
to be announced
Dr. Arnold Goldman
Program chair / President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A
to be announced
to be annoounced
Dr. Margaret Brosnahan
AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All members are encouraged to participate.

47th Annual Meeting
July 26, 2024
Virtual Videoconference
7-9pm EDT (6-8pm CST)
Dr. Margaret Brosnahan, Program chair / President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A
Jane Desmond, PhD
Professor of Anthropology and Gender and Women's Studies,
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana
Urbana, Illinois
"(How) Does History Matter?: Thinking Pasts and Futures in Veterinary Medicine"
8-9pm EDT (7-8pm PT)
Dr. John de Jong, AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All members are encouraged to participate.
46th Annual Meeting
July 6, 2023
Virtual Videoconference
7-9pm EDT (6-8pm CST)
Dr. John de Jong, Program chair / President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A
Susan D. Jones, DVM, PhD
Distinguished McKnight University Professor, Program in the History of Science and Technology, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota.
“Global Aspects of the History of Veterinary Medicine”
8-9pm EDT (7-8pm PT)
Dr. Marianne Y. Ash, AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All members are encouraged to participate.
Members wishing to get together informally in Denver between July 14-17 should contact Dr. John de Jong to arrange a convenient time.

45th Annual Meeting
July 18, 2022
Virtual Videoconference
6-7pm EDT (3-4pm PT)
Dr. Marianne Ash, Program chair / President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A
Craig N. Carter, DVM, PhD, DACVPM, FNAP
Professor, Epidemiology
Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
Department of Veterinary Science
College of Agriculture, Food & the Environment
University of Kentucky
“The Emerging Concept of One Health: The Interface of Animal, Human and Environmental Health”
7-8pm EDT (4-5pm PT)
Dr. Pat Kennedy Arrington, AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All members are encouraged to participate.

44th Annual Meeting
June 30, 2021
Virtual Videoconference
7–8pm EDT (4–5pm PCT)
Dr. Pat Kennedy Arrington, Program chair/President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A
David Scott McVey, DVM, PhD, DACVM
Professor and Director, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln / Associate Dean UNL/ISU Professional Program in Veterinary Medicine
“The History of Vaccines and the
Impacts on Veterinary and Human Medicine”
8–9pm EDT (5-6pm PCT)
Dr. Zbigniew W. Wojcinski, AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All members are encouraged to participate.

43rd Annual Meeting
July 31, 2020
Virtual Videoconference
11:00am-12:00 noon PCT (2:00pm-3:00pm EDT)
Dr. Zbigniew Wojcinski, Program-chair/President-elect
Speaker Presentation and Q&A:
Dr. Meg Sutherland-Smith, San Diego Zoo veterinarian
“History of the San Diego Zoo: A Veterinary Perspective”
12:00 noon—1:00pm PCT (3:00pm-4:00pm EDT)
Dr. Jerry M. Owens, AVMHS President
Instructions for joining the session will be sent to members prior to the meeting date. All are welcome and encouraged to “attend” and participate.

42nd Annual Meeting
August 2-6, 2019
AVMA Washington, DC
Saturday-Monday, August 3-5, 2019
Exhibit Hall Booth #1093
Various veterinary history posters and information
Sunday, August 4, 2019, 8am-10am Marriott Hotel, Dining Room during Dutch treat breakfast
Dr. Russell W. Currier, AVMHS president
Saturday-Monday, Aug. 3-5, 2019 — CE Poster Session, Exhibit Hall
Sunday, August 4, 3pm-4pm (staffed)
#_ "C. Barnwell Robinson, V.S. (1859-1921): Founder of United States College of Veterinary Surgeons, Fire Department and District of Columbia Veterinarian"
Howard H. Erickson, DVM, PhD
#_ "Washington DC’s Private Veterinary Schools, 1892-1918: Case Study of Daniel Salmon’s Short-Lived National Veterinary College"
Russell W. Currier, DVM, MPH

41st Annual Meeting
July 13-17, 2018
AVMA Denver, Colorado
Saturday-Monday, July 14-16, 2018 —Exhibit Hall Booth #2021
Various veterinary history posters and information
Saturday, July 14, 2018, 6pm-8pm — AVMHS CE Program — Hyatt Regency Denver, Centennial Ballroom
Dr. Russell W. Currier, Program-chair/President-elect
Saturday, July 14, 2018, 6pm-8pm Hyatt Regency Denver, Centennial Ballroom H
Prof. David J. Williams, AVMHS president
Saturday-Monday, July 14-16, 2018
Poster Session, Exhibit Hall
Sunday, July 15, 2018, 3pm-4pm
#A21 "Pioneer Veterinarians of Colorado and the West "
Howard H. Erickson, DVM, PhD
#A24 "The Early History of Veterinary Medicine in Illinois"
Shannon Greeley, DVM

40th Annual Meeting
July 22-24, 2017
AVMA Indianapolis, Indiana
Saturday-Monday, July 22-24, 2017
Exhibit Hall Booth #1819
Various history posters by Purdue Univ. veterinary students
Saturday, July 22, 2017, 6pm-8pm — CE Program — JW Marriott Hotel, White River Ballroom A,
Prof. David Williams, Program-chair/President-elect
Saturday, July 22, 2017, 6pm-8pm
JW Marriott Hotel, White River Ballroom A
Dr. Peter Cowen, AVMHS president
Saturday-Monday, July 22-24, 2017 Exhibit Hall
Sunday, July 23, 2017, 3pm-4pm
#2324 The Indiana Veterinary College at Indianapolis (1892-1924):
Its Background and Contributions to Veterinary Medicine. Howard H. Erickson, DVM, PhD

39th Annual Meeting
August 6-8, 2016
AVMA San Antonio, Texas
Saturday-Monday, Aug. 6-8, 2016
Exhibit Hall Booth #1014
Sat. 10am-5pm; Sun. 10am-5pm; Mon. 10am-2pm
History of Contributions to Veterinary Medicine in Texas In cooperation with the Texas Veterinary Medical Association Historical Committee and Dr. Charles Pipes
Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016
Boris Brglez, DVM. MPH, President
Saturday, Aug. 6, 2016, 9:00am-9:50am — CE Program #1623, San Antonio Convention Center, Rm. 214C
Peter Cowen, DVM, MPVM
"James H. Steele, Contributions to Texas Veterinary Public Health"
Sunday, Aug. 7, 2016, 4:00pm-4:45pm — CE Program #1624, San Antonio Convention Center, Rm. 217C
Jerry Jaax, DVM, Nancy Jaax, DVM
"Emergence and History of the Filioviridae"

38th Annual Meeting
July 11-13, 2015,
AVMA Boston, Mass.
Saturday-Monday, July 11-13, 2015 —Exhibit Hall Booth
Phyllis Hickney Larsen, DVM, MPVM
"Florence Kimball, DVM ‘10: Early Massachusetts Woman Veterinarian"
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Weston Waterfront Hotel
Ronnie Elmore, DVM, PhD, President
Monday, July 13, 2015 — CE Program — Boston Convention Center
Howard H. Erickson, DVM, PhD
"The History of the Boston Veterinary institute and Early Presidents of the United States Veterinary Medical Association"
Henry E. Childers, DVM
"The Short Existence of the Harvard University Veterinary Department & Middlesex University School of Veterinary Medicine"
Sarah M. Oates, ‘16
"Uncloaking Cognitive Decline: The Emergence of Canine Cognitive Dysfunction in Veterinary Medicine and Its Implications for Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease"
Basil P. Tangredi, DVM
"Laboratory of Reform: The New England Experiment to Control Bovine Tuberculosis, 1894 – 1900"
5th Regional Veterinary History Meeting, September 28, 2013
Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association, Louisville, Kentucky
4th Regional Veterinary History Meeting, June 15, 2012
University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
"Cross-Border Connections in Canadian and U.S. Veterinary History"
3rd Regional Veterinary History Meeting, September 16, 2011
TIowa State Veterinary Medical Association, Ames, Iowa
2nd Regional Veterinary History Meeting, March 6, 2010
Texas Veterinary Medical Association, College Station, Texas
1st Regional Veterinary History Meeting, June 9, 2009
Kansas Veterinary Medical Associaton, Manhattan, Kansas